1st Grade Application Deadline: January 31, 2024

2024-25 Application/Acceptance/Registration Schedule
Applications available online **NOW CLOSED**Mon, Dec 18, 2023 thru Mon, Jan. 31, 2024
Parent DLI Information Meeting Wednesday, Jan 24th @ 6:30pm
Applications must be submitted online no later than 6:00 pm on Mon., Jan 31, 2024
(Wait for notification from the school to know if your child was accepted. Notifications will be sent no later than February 16, 2024. Please call the school after February 15th if you have not received notification by then.)
If your child is accepted, Registration and Commitment Forms are due back to the school by:
3:00 pm on Friday, February 23, 2024
For students that are currently NOT REGISTERED as a CHERRY HILL ELEMENTARY student, please click button below to download and complete the New Student Registration Form and submit it with the completed commitment forms.
New Student Registration Form
Additional Dual Language Immersion Information
What is dual language immersion? Dual language immersion is a program where students spend half of their elementary school day learning in English and the other half of their day learning in Chinese, French, Portuguese, or Spanish. All subjects are taught between the two languages (English and a second language). The program continues into junior high and high school with advanced language courses and opportunities. The goal is to maximize a student’s second language proficiency and develop their abilities to work successfully in multicultural settings. Please watch this video for more information.
How does my student get in the program? Because space is limited, enrollment is done using a lottery system. To be considered, you must complete the lottery application by 6 pm on Monday, January 31, 2024. Students may apply for the lottery at multiple schools by completing an application for each school that they are interested in attending. Please see this document to apply.
Additional Information The lottery application opens on December 18, 2023 and closes on January 31, 2023 at 6:00 pm. Applications must be submitted during this window. A list of the immersion schools and any planned parent meetings can be found here. Information about the application and selection process can be found here with additional information on our district website.
Information about Dual Immersion and the application/selection process can be found at https://alpineschools.org/dual-immersion/ If, after reading the information online, you have any questions emaila[email protected] or contact our office.